Colorado Right of Way Contractors License Surety Bond - Fort Collins
Any person wishing to perform work, regardless of the nature of the work, shall be required to obtain a Fort Collins Right-of-Way Contractor's License prior to performing the work as provided in § 15-361. A requirment of securing this license is to provide a $20,000.00 Fort Collins, Colorado Right-of-Way Contractor’s License Surety Bond.
Additionally, any person wishing to perform work in one (1) of the following categories:
- Asphalt: Required in order to perform asphalt paving, asphalt patching, slurry seal, chip seal, crack seal and other similar asphalt related work.
- Utility: Required in order to perform work on any utility which is or will be owned, operated or maintained by the City or any utility which will connect to and become a part of any City-owned utility.
- Nonstructural Concrete: Required in order to construct curbs, gutters, sidewalks, cross-pans, tricklepans and perform other similar nonstructural concrete work.
- Structural Concrete: Required in order to construct concrete box culverts, inlets, concrete underwalk culverts, bridges, concrete drainage structures, and perform other similar structural concrete work.
shall first qualify for, and obtain a license endorsement to perform such work. For each category, you must also secure and provide a $10,000 Fort Collins, Colorado Endorsement Surety Bond for each of the above listed endorsements. This bond is in addition to the $20,000 bond requirement.
What does a $20,000.00 Fort Collins, Colorado Right-of-Way Contractor’s License Bond Cost?
The base rate for this bond is $200 per year for qualifying accounts.
Get started now! Follow the link below to apply for your Fort Collins, Colorado Right of Way Contractors License Surety Bond and let our expert staff get the bond you need at the lowest possible price!
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Need help with your Fort Collins, Colorado Right of Way Contractors License Surety Bond??
- Call us and let our staff walk you through the process - 800-737-4880
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