Seller of Travel Bond

A seller of Travel surety bond is required of businesses and individuals that sell and otherwise organize travel arrangements. The bond is a guarantee that the seller of travel will remit the payment for the purchased travel arrangements, once received from their clients. This travel agent bond protects your clients in the event of any unforeseen issues with their travel dealings.

If you want to become a travel agent or seller of travel, there are no federal requirements. You must however obtain a seller of travel surety bond. If you run a tour company in your state and they have Seller of Travel laws, you need to register in your state. If you are touring through another state that has laws, you commonly do not have to register in the other states. Listed below are some states with requirements, there are 6 states that require travel agents to be licensed and registered.

Answering yes to any below means you are a seller of travel and need a surety bond:

  1. Do you sell pre-arranged travel packages?
  2. Do you provide tourist related services for a fee?
  3. Do you provide membership in a travel club for a fee?
  4. Do you sell cruise packages?
  5. Do you provide plane tickets for a fee?
  6. Do you provide or organize lodging for a fee?
  7. Do you provide or organize car rentals for a fee?
  8. Do you advertise that you are a travel agent and provide said services for a fee?


If you still are unsure if you need a Travel Agent Surety Bond please contact us and we will let you know. This includes travel by air, land, sea or navigable stream. Also, travel services domestically and internationally.

State Requirements in addition to required surety bond:

  • California: California has strict registration requirements and you must place your registration number on all advertising.
  • Florida: Must obtain a surety bond in the amount of $25,000 and be registered. Your registration number must be displayed clearly on all travel advertising.
  • Hawaii: Register at the end of each odd-numbered year. $140 fee for 2 years. If first registration is in an even-numbered year, first year fee is $95.
  • Iowa: Requires a $15 annual registration fee.
  • Nevada: Register and pay $50 annual fee. Sellers of Travel must obtain a $50,000 surety bond. Brokers and operators of sightseeing day tours must obtain a surety bond for $100,000.
  • Washington: Annual fee of $234 and $25 for each additional location. We also suggest you contact your local government at the city level to see if there are any travel agency licensing requirements.

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