Surety Bonds
Surety bonds are categorized into 3 major categories:
Commercial Surety Bonds is an all encompassing term that houses License, Permit and Miscellaneous bond types, also known as commercial surety bonds. License and Permit Surety Bonds are required of businesses and individuals for the licensing of their business activity with a county, city, state or municipality. Miscellaneous Surety Bonds are a much broader category for bonds that do not fall within the confines of the three other categories. Most miscellaneous surety bonds provide a financial guarantee or other form of guarantee in the event of default. Check out all of our Commercial Surety Bonds by State or visit the Commercial Surety Bonds page to search by bond type.
Court Surety Bonds cover two very distinct categories, Civil and Probate. Civil bonds are required in judicial proceedings wherein there is a Plaintiff and a Defendant. Probate bonds are required in cases wherein a fiduciary (responsible party) are managing the estate or funds of deceased or incapacitated person. Visit our Court Surety Bond page to find the bond you need.
Contract Surety Bonds are based mainly in the construction industry and commonly referred to as construction surety bonds or Bid, Payment & Performance Bonds. These bonds provide guarantees to one party of a contract that the other party will comply with the terms of the underlying contract or agreement. There are several types of bonds that fall under this category, all of which provide a guarantee relative to the completion of a contract. Visit our Contract Surety Bond page today.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of bonding requirements out there, each state, city, county and municipality has specific bond requirements that can affect you and your business. So if you need a Bid, Payment & Performance Bond to guarantee a project, a Contractors License Bond or a specific license bond for your business, take the first step and complete our online bond application today!
Shopping for a surety bond rate or looking for information on your specific bond requirement, let the experienced staff at A1SuretyBonds help you get what you need at the lowest possible rate! Contact Us or call us at 800-737-4880!