Colorado Paid Solicitor (Charitable Solicitations) Registration Bond

The Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act (CCSA) requires every charitable organization, except those exempted under subsection (6) of Colorado Revised Statutes Title 6, that intends to solicit contributions in this state by any means or to have contributions solicited in this state on its behalf by any other person or entity or that participates in a charitable sales promotion shall, prior to engaging in these activities, file a registration statement with the Colorado Secretary of State, instructions for how to register as a Paid Solicitor can be found on the CO Secretary of State website.  As part of the registration process, registrants must provide a Co Paid Solicitor Registration Surety Bond in the amount of $15,000.  The registrant must renew their bond annually at the same time they renew their registration, as is required by section 6-16-104.6 (3.5), C.R.S.  The purpose of the bond is to act as a guarantee to the State of Colorado that the licensee will perform in good faith as a paid solicitor without fraud and will not violate any provision of article 16 of Title 6 C.R.S.    

By definition, according to C.R.S Title 6,

  1. Charitable organization - any person or entity who is or holds themselves out to be established for any "benevolent, educational, philanthropic, humane, scientific, patriotic, social welfare or advocacy, public health, environmental conservation, civic, or other eleemosynary purpose,"  Additionally any person or entity operating for the benefit of Law Enforcement, Firefighters or any other person whos duty is to protect the public safety, Veterans, or any other person who may in any manner employ a charitable appeal or appeal which suggests that a charitable purpose exists for all solicitations.
  2. Charitable sales promotion - any advertising or sales campaign being conducted by a commercial coventurer that represents to the purchaser that their purchase or use of goods or services being offered by the commercial coventurer will benefit, in whole or in part, a specific charitable organization or purpose.
  3. Commercial coventurer - any for profit person or entity primarily engaged in trade or commerce other than soliciting for charitable organizations or purposes who on occasion conducts a charitable sales promotion.
  4. Paid solicitor - any entity or  person who, for monetary compensation, performs services in which contributions are solicited in the State of Colorado by such compensated person or any compensated person they employ in order to procure or solicit contributions.
  5. Professional fundraising consultant - any entity or person, other than a bona fide officer or regular employee of a charitable organization, who has been retained by a charitable organization for a fee to plan, manage, advise, consult, or prepare material with respect to the solicitation in the State Colorado of contributions for a charitable organization. 

If you or your business falls under any of these classifications, you may be required to post a $15,000 Colorado Charitable Solicitations Registration Bond, also known as a Paid Solicitor Bond.

How do I get a  Colorado Paid Solicitor Registration Bond?

Simply complete our online application for a CO Paid Solicitor Registration Surety Bond and let our professionals go to work!  Typically you will receive your bond quote within less than 1 business day, allowing you to receive your bond as fast as the next business day.  If you find our application does not fit your company model, please give us a call at 800-737-4880 so we can assist you with getting your desired bond.

How much does a Colorado Paid Solicitor Registration Bond cost?

Surety bonds are typically based upon the personal credit of the business owner.  Good credit accounts can expect an annual bond premium of 1-2% of the bond amount.  Accounts with multiple bonding needs and willing to provide business financial statements may receive a lower rate when multiple bonds are required.  If you find you need bonds for multiple states, please call our office and discuss your options with one of our staff.

Apply for your Colorado Charitable Solicitations Registration Bond today!

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