Florida Seller of Travel License Surety Bond
A seller of travel is any resident or nonresident, person, firm, corporation, or business entity who offers for sale, directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail, prearranged travel or tourist-related services for individuals or groups, through vacation or tour packages, or through vacation certificates in exchange for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration. The term includes any business entity offering membership in a travel club or travel service for an advance fee or payment, even if no travel contracts or certificates, or vacation, or tour packages are sold by the business entity.
Who must post a Florida Seller of Travel Bond?
Any seller of travel that has a business location in Florida or that offers to sell travel related services in Florida for individuals or groups is required to be licensed with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. As part of the licensing requirements, licensees must post and maintain a Seller of Travel License Surety Bond.
What bond amounts are required for Florida Sellers of Travel?
- Sellers of Travel that DO NOT offer vacation certificates must post and maintain a Seller of Travel License Surety Bond in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00.
- Sellers of Travel that DO offer vacation certificates must post and maintain a $50,000.00 Seller of Travel License Surety Bond.
Pursuant to 559.929 F.S. Security Reduction can be applied for if and when the following conditions are met:
- A business that has been operating under the same ownership for at least 1 year, with gross annual sales under $500,000, can request a bond amount of $10,000
- A business that has been operating under the same ownership for at least 1 year, with gross annual sales between $500,000 - $1,000.000, can request a bond amount of $15,000
- A business that has been operating under the same ownership for at least 1 year, with gross annual sales between $1,000,000 - $2,000.000, can request a bond amount of $20,000
- A newly established business (in operation less than 1 year)or a business under new ownership may apply to reduce their bond to $10,000.
Get your Florida Seller of Travel Bond today!
Apply for your Florida Seller of Travel License Surety Bond and let our expert staff get the bond you need at the lowest possible price!