Plaintiffs Judicial Court Bonds

Plaintiffs Appeal Surety Bond

Plaintiffs Appeal Bonds are most typically required when a monitary judgment is awarded and the losing party desires to appeal the courts decision.  The surety bond satisfies their requirement to pay while they file a motion to appeal, in effect it stays the winning parties ability to execute on the judgment and proves to the court that the judgment will be honored without false delay.

Also known as a Supersedeas Surety Bond, Writ of Error Surety Bond, Appeal Surety Bond and a Stay of Execution Surety Bond

Plaintiffs Surety Bond to Discharge/Release of Mechanics Lien

Required in proceedings where one party has placed a lien on the property of another for monies that they feel are due and payable to them, yet remains unpaid.

Plaintiffs Surety Bond to Secure Attachment

Required by a court when one party seeks an order allowing them to attach (take) the other party's property prior to the hearing of the case.

Also known as a Sequestration Surety Bond and a Warrant of Seizure Surety Bond

Plaintiffs Surety Bond to Secure Replevin

Required by the court when an action is prescribed by the court to recover possessions of specific articles of personal property.

Plaintiffs Surety Bond to Secure Injunction

Protecting the defendant from being wrongfully enjoined to a legal proceeding, the surety bond covers any damages the defendant may sustain should the court rule the plaintiff’s suit is wrongful or frivilous.

Plaintiffs Stay of Execution Surety Bond / Supersedeas Surety Bond

Required by a court to prevent the winning party from executing on a judgment while the losing party files an appeal.  Also known as a Plaintiffs  Appeal Surety Bond.

Plaintiffs Lis Pendens Surety Bond

A Lis Pendens Bond is required when a Plaintiff is seeking to block the sale of certain property by the Defendant. The bond will guarantee that the plaintiff is not filing the Lis Pendens in bad faith or under false pretenses. 

Plaintiffs Indemnity to Sheriff / Marshall Surety Bond

A Sheriff’s Indemnity Bond is a surety bond that protects a law enforcement agency seizing property on behalf of a plaintiff from a defendant, should the defendant seek damages against the enforcement agency.  The sheriff or marshal can require the party making the request to provide a bond to cover their liability. 

Plaintiffs Surety Bond to Discharge/Release Garnishment

Required by the court to discharge or release money or property belonging to the Plaintiff that has been attached and is held in the hands of a third party.

Get started now! Follow the links below to find your state and apply for your Plaintiffs Judicial Court Surety Bond. Let our expert staff get the bond you need at the lowest possible price!  We work fast so you can stay focused on your case. - Satisfaction Guaranteed! 

Need help??  Not sure which Plaintiffs Judicial Court Surety Bond you need?  

  • Call us and let our staff walk you through the process - 800-737-4880
  • [EMAIL US] and request one of our staff to call you.

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